9:45〜10:00 |
“Opening Remarks”
Professor Shigetada Nakanishi and Professor Colin Ingram (Chairmen)
10:00〜10:30 |
“Spinal cord interneuronal network and functional electrical stimulation of the spinal cord with chronically implanted electrodes”
Professor Tadashi Isa (Division of Behavioral Development, Department of Developmental Physiology, National Institute for Physiological Sciences)
10:30〜11:00 |
“Restoring motor function with Brain-Machine Interfaces”
Dr. Andrew Jackson and Professor Stuart Baker (Institute of Neuroscience, Newcastle University)
11:00〜11:15 |
11:15〜11:45 |
“Visual prosthesis with suprachoroidal transretinal stimulation system”
Professor Professor Takashi Fujikado and Professor Yasuo Tano (Department of Ophthalmology, Osaka University Medical School)
11:45〜12:15 |
“Towards a high-resolution retinal prosthesis for degenerative retinal diseases”
Dr. Keith Mathieson (Retinal Prosthesis Group, Glasgow University)
12:15〜12:45 |
“Towards totally implantable neural prostheses for inner ear rehabilitation”
Dr. Timothy Constandinou (Institute of Biomedical Engineering, Imperial College London)
12:45〜14:00 |
14:00〜14:30 |
“Robot control by human brain with subdural electrodes”
Professor Toshiki Yoshimine (Department of Neurosurgery, Osaka University Medical School)
14:30〜15:00 |
“Gamma oscillations encode the structure of static visual environments: a mechanism for monitoring constancy of sensory input?”
Dr Avgis Hadjipapas (The Wellcome Trust Laboratory for MEG Studies, The School of Life and Health Sciences, Aston University)
15:00〜15:30 |
“Leading edge of cybernics and BMI / BCI”
Professor Yoshiyuki Sankai (Global COE “CYBERNICS”, Graduate School of Systems and Information Engineering, University of Tsukuba)
15:30〜15:45 |
15:45〜16:15 |
“Experience of neuroprostheses for motor function after spinal cord injury”
Professor Nick Donaldson (Department of Medical Physics and Bioengineering, University College London)
16:15〜16:45 |
“New aspects of BMI”
Dr Mitsuo Kawato (ATR Computational Neuroscience Laboratories, ICORP Computational Brain Project, JST)
16:45〜17:45 |
General discussion + Statement
『課題C公開シンポジウム 霊長類脳での遺伝子改変研究の展開』
『課題C公開シンポジウム 霊長類脳での遺伝子改変研究の展開』
9:30〜9:35 |
伊佐 正(自然科学研究機構生理学研究所)
9:35〜10:05 |
10:05〜10:35 |
10:35〜11:00 |
11:00〜11:30 |
11:30〜12:00 |
12:00〜12:10 |